【Eczema and Cow Fart Series🐂🌬】

Eczema and Cow Fart Juice🐂🌬

Cow Fart Juice is a gentle, enjoyable, aromatic way to support your traumatized skin from the outside so that true healing has the ability to occur from the inside. For some who have struggled with their skin, it can seem like a miracle. But Cow Fart Juice isn’t a drug and is not meant to be used like a drug. Yes, you may find immediate relief when you decant a few drops from the little brown bottle with the cow on the front and apply it directly to the area that is bothering you, but there is so much more you can be doing to improve the health and appearance of your skin.


Understanding Acute and Chronic Conditions

Cow Fart Juice is not the cure, but it is an incredible way to soothe and protect damaged skin so that the skin can heal itself. If the problem is acute (meaning immediate and short-lived), such as a cut or scrape, occasional pimple, or rash due to exposure to an allergen, fungus, or bacteria, then Cow Fart Juice can seem like magic in that the issue usually looks visibly better and disappears quicker when you use the product twice a day on the spot.


But chronic problems (such as eczema) have a deeper story. A chronic situation is one that has been occurring over time. We holistic practitioners tend to think of them as “dysfunctional feedback loops,” where things just keep going wrong and the body just doesn’t have a chance to heal. Although adding Cow Fart Juice topically can bring swift relief and visible improvement to an area where you may be experiencing a chronic skin problem, it won’t fix an underlying problem — that’s where nourishment and understanding how your body works come in.


For Chronic Conditions, Use Cow Fart Juice With Cow Fart Activator and Cow Fart Cream

For chronic conditions, where you will be using Cow Fart Juice for more than five days on a condition that comes from inside your body, you will get dramatically better results using Cow Fart Activator with the Cow Fart Juice. Not only does the Mineral Mist’s hydrophilic properties help the Cow Fart Juice penetrate deeper into the skin and provide much-needed hydration to rough spots, but the minerals in the Cow fart Activator improve how the cells are communicating (maybe they will stop yelling!) and the skin’s overall ability to renew itself.


Cow Fart Activator is helpful to get the most out of Cow Fart Juice, particularly in cases of chronic skin irritations. Along with the soothing properties of Tulsi and Witch Hazel, we have specially formulated this mist with the active botanical power of camphor and the other traditional herbs used in Cow Fart Juice to work perfectly in conjunction.


In the meantime, Cow Fart Cream forms an occlusive, protective layer with its balanced blend of natural oils, pure rosewater, goat milk, and honey. It is formulated to either be used on its own (with a slight hint of our traditional Cow Fart Botanicals) or in conjunction with Cow Fart Juice and Cow Fart Activator to help your problem skin to return to a place of natural calmness. 


How to Use 

Spray 5 sprays of Cow Fart Activator into 3 drops of Cow Fart Juice and apply to the affected area 2x daily. Cow Fart Activator can also be used alone by spraying directly onto the area or mixed into Cow Fart Cream to increase the mineral and absorption levels of the product. Also calms itchy skin when mixed into Cow Fart Cream.